Each week of 30 Days of Love, there will be a weekly theme with a menu of do-it-yourself activities in the following categories:
Read: Articles, book excerpts, poems,
Watch: Videos, concerts and roundtables discussion
Participate: Artist workshops, writings and actions
Listen: Music, meditation, lectures, poetry
Worship: Worship moments - alone or together - to refuel
This is the menu series for Families / Multigenerational Groups. Use one or all of the menus, or pick and choose from each!
January 17 – 23: Living Our Values in the World
Theme: Being Unitarian Universalist means that we help create a more just and peaceful world.
WATCH: Why generational pressure is the key to climate change policy (3 min)
READ: Check your local library for any of these books about kids who work to change the world!
LISTEN: CHANGE THE WORLD with Alphabet Rockers | Anti-Racism Music for Kids & Families (3 min)
WORSHIP: View “Why We Share Joys and Sorrows” by Lauren Wyeth (4.5 min). Then call or video chat with a friends or family members outside of your house and share joys and concerns.
PARTICIPATE: Print out the Black Lives Matter Coloring Book and have a kitchen table coloring party. (15 min - 1 hr)
January 24 – 30: Hospitality and Inclusion
Theme: There is room for everyone in the Beloved Community.
WATCH: The Name Jar by Yangsook Choi (20 min)
READ: Read along: Lupita Nyong'o reads her book Sulwe (11 min)
LISTEN: “What’s Your Name” with Alphabet Rockers | Anti-Racism Music for Kids & Families (2.5 min)
WORSHIP: Read or watch “Tiny the God” by Becky Brooks (5 min)
PARTICIPATE: What is the story and meaning of your name? Draw a poster that tells this story. Perhaps you'll want to write your name in big letters and think of a positive word that begins with each letter of your name. (10 min)
January 31 – February 6: Educating for Liberation
Theme: Injustice has always existed, but so have brave people who worked to make a difference. We can learn from them.
WATCH: Why we must teach students to solve big problems (4 min)
READ: Fannie Lou Signs Up: A story about Mrs. Fannie Lou Hamer by Rev. Theresa Ines Soto (4.5 min)
LISTEN: “A Discussion About Race And Racism” from But Why podcast (47 min)
WORSHIP: Sing along: “From you, I Receive” sung by Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt (1.5 min)
PARTICIPATE: Everyone has talents and interests. Talk with your family about how you might each do your little part to help solve big problems. (15-30 min)
February 7 – 13: Restoration and Repair
Theme: Much has been stolen from BIPOC people, but we can work together to make things right.
WATCH: Nihi! KIDS TALK about Decolonization (8 min)
READ: Read about the original inhabitants of the USA from National Geographic for Kids (5-30 min)
LISTEN: “This is Ohlone Land” by the Alphabet Rockers (1.5 min)
WORSHIP: Sing along: "This Joy," Resistance Revival Chorus (3.5 min)
PARTICIPATE: Find out about the original inhabitants of the land you call home. Is it hard to find information about them? If so, why might that be? (10- 20 min)