Public Communication


Writing Words that Inspire: How to Craft and Publish Compelling Letters to the Editor

Letters in your local newspapers or in magazines are prime forums for getting your message to a wide audience and are widely read by legislators and government officials. These tips will help increase the likelihood of your letters to the editor (LTEs) published and maximize their impact. Read more.

Using Elections to Spread Progressive Faith Values With Letters to the Editor

As a faith tradition, Unitarian Universalists focus on the urgent need to advance justice in our communities. We are compelled to transform our world in pursuit of shared principles.

For some of us, speaking out publicly may be daunting, but we are compelled to promote progressive values from a faith perspective -- especially to work in solidarity with those marginalized communities suffering from injustice under the status quo. For most of us, it takes some effort, practice, and guidance to develop a bold, effective, and informative letter to the editor. Read more.

How and Why to Write Effective Guest Commentaries for Your Local Media

Whether your local media calls them guest columns, op-eds, or another name, almost all newspapers offer opportunities for you to submit commentaries to make the case for your position on important issues. Unlike letters to the editor, they provide space for you to make a thorough argument (typically 500 - 800 words). Most papers give preference to local writers and local issues, and many will not consider submissions from outside their print market area, so look for a paper’s guidelines before submitting a piece.

And don’t overlook web-only media -- they often have large readership and offer the advantage of enabling you to drive traffic to important information sources or your local congregation or organization. Read more.