30 Days of Love 2025

January 20 - February 14, 2025

Inhabiting Our Freedom Dreams

Now is the time to practice that which we seek to grow in our world—deeply, compassionately, and at the scale of relationships in our communities. As the governing and power structures of our world rely more and more on domination, exploitation, and disposability to consolidate power, we must hold onto and grow ours.

Our power is grounded in our values that proclaim the transformative power of love and harness the enduring power of community. We are the antidote to our fear.

Our collective work is to practice the new world we seek to build, drawing inspiration from abolitionist and emergent strategies for liberation, as explored in Andrea Ritchie’s Practicing New Worlds: Abolition and Emergent Strategies. Liberation is our North Star guiding us through these times.

This year’s theme, Inhabiting Our Freedom Dreams, draws inspiration from Robin D.G. Kelley’s Freedom Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination, tracing the prophetic affirmations and spiritual work of justice movements as guides to how each of us can call new worlds into being.

2025 Weekly Themes

Each week’s resources will be published on Tuesdays and include the following. 

  • A Side With Love message to provide political education and context for each weekly theme with lessons and inspiration to move through these times. 

  • A journal practice to reflect and dream to chart a course with clarity and care.

  • A creative/art practice to ground in the beauty and abundance of imagination.   

  • A body practice to ground us in resilience and renewal.

  • A family-friendly, multigenerational activity that builds community as we take action for justice.