Side With Love is thrilled to announce 30 Days of Love 2023! Our annual month of spiritual nourishment, political grounding, and shared practices of faith and justice, 30 Days of Love will go from Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (January 16) through Valentine’s Day (February 14).
This year’s 30 Days of Love is a gift to our whole community: a love letter, a warm hug, a spiritual balm for all of the individuals, families, religious professionals, partners and communities that embody our values and work for justice and liberation year round. Each week will feature a spiritual theme overlapping with one of Side With Love’s intersectional justice priorities, and we'll share an array of offerings to help nourish your spirit and give gratitude and affirmation.
WEEK 1 (January 16-22): Interdependence :: Democracy & Electoral Justice
WEEK 2 (January 23-29): Embodiment :: LGBTQIA+, Gender & Reproductive Justice
WEEK 3 (January 30 - February 5): Healing :: Decriminalization
WEEK 4 (February 6-12): Resilience :: Climate Justice
BONUS DAYS (February 13-14): Blessings :: Liberatory Intersections
Each week, you can expect to receive several different kinds of offerings, each from a different voice within Unitarian Universalism. Each week’s resources will be published by 12pm ET every Monday:
A weekly Side With Love message, grounded in personal story and offered on our blog and via email and socials, reflecting on the week’s spiritual and justice issue themes
A Time for All Ages grounded in the week’s theme, presented in video and written form, available for free use in your congregation this week or any week it works for you
A video of Body Practice, suitable for all ages and with attention paid to accessibility for people of varying abilities
A thematic Prayer, available for use in both video and text formats
A thematic Blessing, available for use in both video and text formats
A Grounding Practice to offer at the beginning of gatherings or meetings from our Side WIth Love Fun & Spiritual Nourishment Squad, available for use in video and facilitator guide formats
We offer these resources knowing various people will use them in a range of ways. Individuals may take a quick break during their lunch hour to watch a video blessing or read the week’s prayer; religious educators might use the Time for All Ages in worship, or encourage teachers to start their classes with the Body Practice; families might start a family meal reading one of the written reflections and then engaging in conversation; Board members and committee chairs might use the Grounding Practice to kick of that week’s meeting agenda. Please note that while we are not offering a full worship service as a part of 30 Days of Love this year, we hope that many of these weekly resources can be useful in your worship planning now and throughout the liturgical year.
However you use these resources, we are proud to bring you the love and wisdom of some of our most compelling UU voices, and are thankful for this annual opportunity to collectively nourish our spirits and love each other up for the long haul.