Offered here is a curated library of resources we hope will be useful for religious professionals, sorted by use.
We hope these will be helpful for your small group ministry, adult education classes, working with committees, and multigenerational programming.
Our campaigns:
Side With Love + climate justice = Create Climate Justice
Side With Love + democracy = UU the Vote
Side With Love + bodily autonomy = UPLIFT Action
Side With Love + decriminalization = Love Resists
UPLIFT Action: Side With Love’s campaign for reproductive justice and trans liberation. Every body is sacred!
Reproductive Justice Organizing for Congregations curriculum
Preparing for Pride: a webinar for religious professionals
Trans Care Packages - This is a direct action opportunity created for trans and non-binary children & youth. The care packages are designed to spread joy and can be assembled by DRE participants in service or afterwards as a special all congregational project led by children and youth.
Making a Difference With Our Words: Tools to help UUs thwart anti-transgender bills and attacks
Climate Justice
Green Sanctuary 2030 Monthly Community Meetings: Come together for shared learning and mutual supports to transform your congregation through climate justice.
Abolitionist Visions for Climate Justice: An abolitionist framework can help us reimagine a world where systems of extraction like fossil fuels and capitalism are not at the core of our culture. Without a clear vision of a world where all can thrive, we run the risk of prioritizing short-term gains, false solutions, legislative goals disconnected from cultural shifts, and distractions that divide our focus.
UPCOMING September 28, 2024: Reimagine together: From an extractive age to a new era! The UU Climate Revival is sweeping the nation with inspiring collective worship, creative learning, and new frameworks at the intersection of climate and justice, and the chance to weave together the threads that have always linked our deepest commitments. Dig into the connections between social justice, racial justice, and environmental ministry in fully hybrid engagements, and go home with curricula, worship resources, and commitments to transform your congregation through climate justice. Reimagine Together: From an Extractive Age to a New Era
This is your call to be a part of shaping our faith's conversation around climate justice. You are invited to share your most successful most engaging and creative climate justice, eco-spirituality, liberation-centered lessons, stories and reflections here. All of these resources will be collected and curated shared amongst those in our community who register and participate in the UUA Climate Revival.
Climate Disaster Preparedness for UUs: This toolkit supports congregations to build climate resilience through disaster response and community care with tools and resources to assess climate impacts and mobilize for action.
Democracy & Electoral Justice
UU the Vote: With UU the Vote we’re organizing on the state and local levels to fight for fair elections, advance voting rights, protect abortion access, and resist the targeting and criminalization of Black, Indigenous, and people of color communities.
Combating Fascisms Without & Within: An Organized UU Response: Two-part, 90-minute webinars responding to the 2023 Berry Street essay by the Rev. Cecilia Kingman, which reflects upon the rise of authoritarianism, right-wing ideology, and fascism both within Unitarian Universalism and in the wider world.
Mapping Our Impact, Charting Our Future: This interactive workshop invites us to dive deep into the practices, relationships, and strategies of our electoral organizing that helped us to reach over 5 million voters since 2020.
Defund Fear Justice Activist Curriculum: Anyone who is interested in learning more about what calls to defund police and policing have to do with our Unitarian Universalist faith AND how to take concrete action is invited to download this curriculum. It includes six lessons with resources and reflection prompts for independent engagement, each paired with a group discussion guide.
UUs Showing Up for UUs Who Show Up: UUs have been engaged in social change efforts, including nonviolent civil disobedience, for many generations. Today, it seems that UUs who resist injustice are being arrested and detained at increasing rates. This is due, in part, to an enhanced partnership between corporations and the state in criminalizing dissent. The sustainability of UU activism, as well as the sustainability of UU activists, well may depend upon the capacity of UU entities to provide a spectrum of support for those at the frontlines. This toolkit includes guidelines for providing support to UUs and other arrested for ciivil disobedience and/or direct action.
30 Days of Love: our annual event includes multigenerational offerings for use in worship, small group ministry, and other gatherings in written and video format. Find opening words, meditations, stories for all ages, and other elements under 10 minutes for use in your congregation and community.
30 Days of Love 2024 will run Jan 15, 2024 through Feb 14, 2024 and will once again feature multigenerational worship resources and live events!
Faithful Grounding: our monthly, 30-minute live virtual worship event offering spiritual sustenance and grounding with others organizing on the side with love.
Monthly Mixer: monthly gathering with Side With Love staff and congregational leaders to build community and share resources.
Worship Resources
UUA Climate Revival - Call to Religious Educators
Reimagine together: from an extractive age to a new era
Even as climate change rocks our world, there is spirit at work in the congregations and movements committed to justice. As we make the connections between climate and justice, we are called to re-imagine what it means to do this urgent work in community. How can our climate work be less isolated, more connected; less anxious, more nourishing; less limited; more visionary? Through worship, laughter, learning, reflection, lamentation, and joy, we can feed our spirits and we can move forward nourished and connected with love at the center of our climate actions. Together, we can shift from a deadly era of extraction to a flourishing era of connection.
This is your call to be a part of shaping our faith's conversation around climate justice. You are invited to share your most successful most engaging and creative climate justice, eco-spirituality, liberation-centered lessons, stories and reflections here. All of these resources will be collected and curated shared amongst those in our community who register and participate in the UUA Climate Revival.
Skill Ups: our monthly, 90-minute skill and leadership development trainings hosted by our Squad leaders and featuring experts and specialists on a variety of topics.
Political Education Webinars: These 90-minute, issue-based webinars feature our partners and offer background on our four intersectional justice priorities as well as opportunities for action. Join or view our Skill Ups for skill-based trainings!
Events: Our dynamic calendar of events related to the four intersectional justice priorities.