UUSC & UUA Campaign to Stop Criminalization, Detention, & Deportation

Love Resists is a shared campaign from the UUSC: Unitarian Universalist Service Committee and the Unitarian Universalist Association focused on activating people of faith and conscience to resist the criminalization of our neighbors and communities, and create a safer, more just, welcoming, and sustainable world.

Stop Cop City

Decriminalization Resources

Spiritual Practice

  • Spiritual Practices for Challenging Moments—Resources for uncomfortable/spiritually challenging moments, curated by Rev. Elizabeth Nguyen, with practices, music, and reflections.

  • Spiritual Practices & Social Justice—Learn to be an effective agent of change and transformation by practicing regular connection with your core principles and beliefs. Drawn from the UU College of Social Justice's service trip study guide.

  • Braver/Wiser—Sign up for weekly messages of courage and compassion, complete with a timely prayer for the week ahead. Hear from the contributors about what helps them when the hurt of the world overwhelms, lifting up the sacred in everyday life.

  • Risk, Courage and Discernment: Spiritual Preparation—Resource to help individuals and congregations interested in effective justice actions, grounded in collective liberation, accountable partnership, and leadership of those most impacted.

  • Theology of Resistance—Explore the multi-faith curriculum, webinars, podcasts and more to inspire multi-faith discourse that supports people of faith and moral courage to bring life to the stories, values, and teachings that inspire our resistance. Created by the Prophetic Resistance Project—an initiative of the PICO National Network.

Readings & Prayers

These collections of quotes, readings, prayers and more are focused on people in need of sanctuary. Share them in worshipful ways, online and in person.

Other sources of worship materials:

Small Group Ministry

Webinars and Trainings

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