Each week of 30 Days of Love, there will be a weekly theme with a menu of do-it-yourself activities in the following categories:

  • Read: Articles, book excerpts, poems,

  • Watch: Videos, concerts and roundtables discussion

  • Participate: Artist workshops, writings and actions

  • Listen: Music, meditation, lectures, poetry

  • Worship: Worship moments - alone or together - to refuel

This is the menu series for Youth. Use one or all of the menus, or pick and choose from each!

January 17 – 23: Living Our Values in the World

Theme: Depending on our skills and leadership styles, we all have something to contribute to creating meaningful change.

WATCH: What is transformative justice? (10.5 min)

READ: “George Gascón Implements Sweeping Changes To Los Angeles District Attorney's Office” (5 min)

LISTEN: "#HereToo: Stories of Youth Activism”, S1 Ep. 10 Kylie Vincent interviewed by Elena Sgouros (33 min)

WORSHIP: Spend some time with this music playlist, created in memory of Elandria Williams, a recently deceased UU community organizer and former youth leader.

PARTICIPATE: "Download the "Mapping Our Roles in a Social Change Ecosystem" packet and use it to help you and other youth you are connected to get a clearer understanding of your roles in creating change." (30 min - 1 hr)

January 24 – 30: Hospitality and Inclusion

Theme: We are learning how to widen our circles of inclusivity together.

WATCH: How to apologize when called out (8.5 min)

READ: Jillian Mercado on Her Runway Debut and Fighting For the Disabled Community (7 min)

LISTEN: “Is It Time To Say R.I.P. To 'POC'?” (38 min)

WORSHIP: Read this poem aloud. Spend a few minutes in silence, thinking about what you read. Now, read it again and notice anything new. “We Are Not Responsible” by Harryette Mullen (10 min)

PARTICIPATE: Journal, create art, or talk to a trusted friend about a time when you felt not only included and accepted, but that your presence mattered and was celebrated. What made the difference? How could you tell that you were valued exactly as you are? (10 min - 1 hr)

January 31 – February 6: Educating for Liberation

Theme: We are learning from the past to co-create a world of peace, justice, joy, and abundance now and for our future.

WATCH: “The myth of race, debunked in 3 minutes” (3 min)

READ: “Student activists want change in the classroom”, Vox, 7/29/20 (10 min)

LISTEN: Finding Our Way Podcast: Ep 3 “Community and Belonging with Mia Birdsong” (52 min)

WORSHIP: Rev. Elizabeth Nguyen gives lessons on anger as a spiritual discipline and vehicle for justice using the words of Audre Lorde. Just as relevant today as when it was delivered in 2015. (8 min)

PARTICIPATE: Is there an area of history that your studies haven't told the whole truth about? Brainstorm ways that you can bring this to the attention of those in charge of making change (ex. parents, teachers, principal, school board, etc.) and to the attention of other students. This may involve you digging deeper into an area of interest to get a fuller story. (30 min - 1 hr)

February 7 – 13: Restoration and Repair

Theme: Healing our broken world is possible.

WATCH: “Checking Slavery and Colonialism in Board Games” from History Chat. While boardgaming is a very specific fandom, how do these themes show up in other areas of pop culture? (25 min.)

READ: Teen Vogue Op-Ed “Reparations Are a Concrete Way to Address Systemic Racism and Inequality” (5 min)

LISTEN: “2020 Turned Our Worlds Inside Out. Here's What We Learned”, Movement Memos podcast (33 min)

WORSHIP: Sing along: "This Joy", Resistance Revival Chorus (3.5 min)

PARTICIPATE: Spend some time engaging with the Land Reparations & Indigenous Solidarity Toolkit. It contains useful information and suggested activities and actions to take toward decolonization. (20 min - 1 hr)