Image description: On a yellow-brown watercolor painted background, a candle in a jar is lit with a red flame. The Side With Love logo, including a rainbow heart, is on the jar. In text at the top, it reads “Faithful Grounding” with a graphic of a heart bracketed by a line. In purple text, it reads “monthly virtual gathering; 4th Thursday of the month, 4:30 PT / 5:30 MT / 6:30 CT / 7:30 ET. Below that, in smaller black text, it reads: “an hour of spiritual sustenance and grounding with others organizing on the side of love.”
Join our Side with Love Fun & Spiritual Nourishment Squad for an hour of spiritual sustenance and grounding with others organizing on the side of love.
Show up as you are, with whatever is in your heart, and have your camera on or off as you need.
Come drink in the music, meditation, play, and prayer.
We end with a Connection Cafe for those who wish to talk together.
This gathering happens monthly on the 4th Thursday of the month at 4:30 PT / 5:30 MT / 6:30 CT / 7:30 ET.