Events by Issue

Climate Justice

Workshop - Livestream: Creating Climate Justice on an International Stage

Friday, June 24, 1:45 PM-3:15 PM: It’s time for Unitarian Universalists to meet the moment with action for global climate justice in advance of the 2022 UN Climate Summit known as COP27. Get equipped to mobilize in community! Push for meaningful change to create climate justice worldwide and fulfill promises made in the Paris Agreement. Livestream on Whova app

Public Witness: “Fund Futures, not Freeways!”

Friday, June 24: 5:30pm - 6:15pm - Location TBD. When we gather in-person at #UUAGA, we make a commitment to leveraging our UU power in support of locally-led movements for justice through a Public Witness in whatever city we are in. This year, local UU climate justice activists have asked us to join them in their support of youth-led climate justice work in partnership with Sunrise PDX, a chapter of the national Sunrise Movement.

Join Side With Love, UU Ministry for Earth, and our UU youth and young adults for this short action to support Sunrise PDX's Youth vs. ODOT campaign in demanding that the Oregon Department of Transportation "Fund Futures, not Freeways!" We will process from the Synergy worship to right outside the convention center, where we will hear from youth leaders and local activists about the need to imagine a decarbonized transportation infrastructure for the future of the planet and all species. People of all ages and abilities are invited to join the Procession of Species, and lift our voices together in song and chant at this brief, uplifting youth-led rally. Learn more and take action.

Workshop - In Person / Livestream: The Power of Climate Justice

Saturday, June 25, 1:45 PM-3:15PM, Portland Ballroom 252-253: Oregon frontline communities have created “Green New Deal” programs to address the impact of climate change. They have built power by mobilizing their members and forging coalitions with traditional environmental groups. This workshop will describe how they have succeeded and explore whether similar efforts can be replicated in your community

LGBTQ+ Justice & Ministry

LGBTQIA+ Meet & Greet

Wednesday, 12pm - 1:30pm - Room D133-134 in the Convention Center / Zoom

Trans/Nonbinary+ Welcome Reception

Wednesday, 12pm - 1:30pm - Hyatt Regency Portland in Deschutes A

Join us for a time of food and fellowship with other trans and nonbinary UUs who are attending General Assembly in-person. This will be an open space to eat, check-in, catch up, and chill. You are welcome to bring your significant others/family. ***Trans/Non-Binary and Partners/Family Only. RSVP to participate.

LGBTQIA+ PRIDEful Open House

Thursday, 10 AM - In-Person: Room D133-134 in the Convention Center or online.

Please join us for a time of fellowship and celebration. There will be music! There will be trivia! There will be fun! Bring a song, a poem, a story ... and YOUR BEAUTIFUL SELF!!!!

UPLIFT Trans/Nonbinary+ Open House

FRIDAY, 4PM PT - In-Person: Room D133-134 in the Convention Center or virtually.

***Trans/Non-Binary Only. Come get to know each other, talk about the UPLIFT Trans/Nonbinary Monthly Gatherings, and connect in an all-ages space that welcomes trans/nonbinary UUs (religious professionals, ministers, and lay people all are invited).

This multiplatform event is for UUs or UU-adjacent humans who are trans, nonbinary, metagender, agender, genderqueer, genderfluid, multigender, and otherwise not (entirely or at all) cis. Children and youth please follow the permission/safety guidelines here:


Rally - Faith on Fire for Democracy: a rally for UU the Vote

Thursday, June 23, 7:30 PM - 9:30pm - Regency Ballroom at Hyatt Regency / Zoom. Join us for UU the Vote's General Assembly multi-platform rally as we build momentum together! Whether you join us for our in-person* event in Portland, or online with our UU the Vote community across the country, we're excited to share this time of inspiration, motivation, strategy, and grounding. Live performance by Emma’s Revolution! Registration required to join in person and on Zoom.

Workshop - In-Person / Livestream: Learn to UU the Vote in 2022: UU the Vote

Friday, June 24 - 1:45 PM-3:15 PM - Oregon Ballroom 201-202 / Whova App Livestream. Thriving, equitable communities are the foundation to building a multi-racial democracy. UU the Vote is grounding in state and local work to advance our values and build community in the midterm elections. Join the relational and values-based electoral organizing to show up for our communities in 2022.

Letter Writing to Voters

Saturday, June 25 - 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM - Willamette 1, Hyatt Regency / Zoom. Led by our UUTV staff and our partner Vote Forward, we are going to learn about letter writing, how to host a letter-writing party, and write our own letters together. Whether you join us for our in-person* event in Portland, or online with our UU the Vote community across the country, we're excited to share this time of inspiration, motivation, strategy, and grounding. Register to join!


Get Your Sing On

Wednesday, 8:30pm - 9:30pm - Willamette 1, Hyatt Regency / Zoom

Before Friday’s public witness event, join us for this joyful singalong. Share old favorites and learn new songs, chants, and hymns! Join in person or virtually on Zoom.

Workshop: On Demand: Organize with the Side With Love Action Center

The Side With Love Action Center is a multicampaign organizing program to support teams and individuals in growing local and national capacity to take action on the issues you care about. Learn how this model and our resources and advance your social justice work and grow your impact. View via the Whova app.