Mathew P. Taylor, is a Southern California Native, and has a Bachelor’s in Communications. He is a community organizer, UU Seminarian, Pagan high priest, author, and Ceremony Celebrant. He has over 15 years’ experience in community organizing and Pagan Ministry Leadership. He is currently a student and Claremont School of Theology and will be seeking ordination in Parish ministry. He is currently Board President of the Universalist Unitarian Church of Riverside. He believes that his ministry is meant to help give a voice to the voiceless and to help find a home for the spiritually homeless.
Community is gathering together on a Sunday morning for Church to share in the message of the week.
Community is being present for the worship singing together for our lives.
Community is being present and participating in the Women’s March
Community is knowing that when illness may strike that we are here to hold you up and center our thoughts and prayers on you.
We know that that is not enough.
We know that community is also action.
Community is bearing Witness to the repeal of DACA, and being in solidarity with our immigrant siblings saying that you are welcome here.
Community is creating a place at the table for those that are marginalized by society.
Community is welcoming in and honoring the dignity and worth of one another.
Community is saying that Environmental justice is as important as Social Justice #NoDAPL
Community is giving a voice to the voiceless.
Community is knowing that justice, equity, and compassion are central to human relations.
Community is saying BLACK LIVES MATTER and meaning it
Community is accepting one another and encouraging the growth of each other.
Community is telling our Muslim siblings that we are with you and you are welcome here
Community is having a place where people can search for truth and meaning without judgment. Community is knowing that we do not have to always agree to get along.
Community is saying that Love is more important than whom you love
Community is saying TRANS LIVES MATTER too.
Community is knowing that we are all connected and that the work we do together is the service of this church and our faith tradition.
Community is being together and knowing that you do not have to know all the answers.
Community is Worship.
Community is knowing that Church is not just the building. Church—this community—this family is when we come together whether it is participating in coffee time or even coming to a concert that is fellowship, that is when we worship.