As Unitarian Universalists, we believe that all bodies are sacred. Every person has the right to determine what happens to their own body at all phases of life.
One crucial role we can play is in continuing to voice values-based, theologically grounded support for abortion and reproductive justice. We can also provide spiritual support and accompaniment for people of all identities as they make choices about their reproductive health throughout their lives. We must also commit to organizing our congregations and our communities in solidarity with movements for racial and gender justice, economic equity, sex and body positivity, universal healthcare, and social systems that support diverse forms of parenting and family.
UPLIFT Action is Side With Love’s new campaign organizing for LGBTQIA+, Gender, and Reproductive Justice. Together, we commit to growing our skills, deepening our spiritual grounding, honing our analysis, and fighting together for a world in which every body is sacred. Sign up for updates, find upcoming trainings and view previous events.
This guide was created by Side With Love staff in the summer of 2022 as a resource for congregations that are discerning their role in the Reproductive Justice movement, especially in light of the recent Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson, which eliminated federal protections for abortion in the US. View on Google Docs.
In commemoration of the anniversary of Roe v. Wade and the ongoing fight for reproductive health, rights, and justice, join UU congregations across the country for a Sunday of solidarity, support, and reflection. We will be providing worship resources (readings, videos, liturgical frameworks) and suggestions for planning your own service in the coming weeks at our Worship Resource Hub.
Heart-to-Heart Abortion Conversations
This program comes from The National Network of Abortion Funds. Dialogue, storytelling, and intentional conversations are powerful tools to organize and strengthen our movement. Heart-to-Heart Abortion Conversations are designed to serve as a catalyst to grow your leadership, deepen connections, and make abortion access a reality. By tapping into love and empathy, speaking from our values, and seeking to understand and really hear others, we will be able to connect and build relationships, even when we don’t agree on everything about abortion. Learn more.
SACReD: A New Multi-Faith Reproductive Justice Coalition
Join people of faith around the country to learn and strategize. Get connected with SACReD (Spiritual Alliance of Communities for Reproductive Dignity), a multi-faith alliance organizers, religious leaders, academics, and congregations working together to advance the cause of reproductive justice through congregational designation and community building programs.