by Nicole Pressley
“Decriminalization is a political and spiritual project. Our work to Stop Cop City dismantles the false ideal of safety. This false ideal is destroying forests, intensifying violence against communities of color, and silencing the electorate. As people of faith, we cannot affirm the worth and dignity of all while privileging the well-being of a chosen few. We are not fully human when we separate ourselves from the humanity of others.
Alternatively, decriminalization is a process of healing and (re)connection. A just and abundant concept of safety requires all of us. It proclaims a future where care and safety are abundant because our relationships are cultivated through mutuality, not domination. We act, showing up with and for communities to win campaigns and to grow a network of love, compassion, and care. This is the work of community building. This is how we keep us safe.”
A Blessing for Safety by Rev. Elizabeth Nguyen
“Safety” by Mylo Way
“A Prayer for These Days” by Rev. Cecilia Kingman