by Rev. Amanda Schuber, Rev. Jami Yandle, and Rev. Ranwa Hammamy,
Imagine a world where everybody - every body - was treated as truly sacred? Every body, whatever shape, size, expression, ability - was revered as one of the infinite expressions of the Divine? A reflection of God? An opportunity to celebrate the holy diversity that makes up our humanity?
When we witness our shared humanity we are called to care, to defend, protect, and affirm OUR very existence and our inherent worth. In this world, every body is cared for. Everybody has the ability to make the decisions they need to be safe and whole in their being. Every body has access to the resources they need to thrive. Everybody - every body - is held in a truly liberating love.
Blessing for Possibility by Kaden Colton
Read or download the blessing text
Time for All Ages for Possibility by Rev. Hannah Villnave
Read or download the text of this story.
Prayer for Possibility by Rev. Mykal Slack
Download or print the text of this prayer.
Body Practice for Possibility by Rev. Catharine Buck Clarenbach
Read or download the text of this practice.
"Echo Check-In" by Canedy (without facilitator)
You also can view a longer (~12 min) video WITH a facilitator or view a text guide (pdf) to the exercise
Reimagining with Energy Democracy. January 2024
This webinar features the Energy Democracy Project, Cleveland Owns (OH), People Power Solar (CA), and POWER Interfaith (PA).