Monthly Gatherings
In addition to our unique event programming, Side With Love has recurrent, monthly offerings for a variety of individuals, congregational leaders, and campaign leads.
Image description: a calendar is annotated with what events happen during which week. The content is duplicated in text below.
First Week of the Month
1st Wednesday of the Month - 4pm PT / 7pm ET
Second Week of the Month
2nd Monday of the Month - 5pm PT / 8pm ET
2nd Friday of the Month - 5pm PT / 8pm ET
Third Week of the Month
3rd Wednesday of the Month, 4pm PT / 7pm ET
3rd Sunday of the Month, 1pm PT / 4pm ET
Fourth Week of the Month
4th Tuesdays of the Month, 5pm PT / 8pm ET
4th Wednesday of the Month, 1pm PT / 4pm ET
Climate IRA Peer Learning Circle
4th Thursday of the Month, 4:30pm PT / 7:30pm ET