Recording and Resources: Green Sanctuary 2030 + the UU Climate Justice Revival (July 17, 2024) Climate Justice, WebinarSide With LoveJuly 22, 2024Webinar, Green Sanctuary, Climate Justice
Recording and Resources: Climate Justice Brainstorm! Climate Justice, WebinarSide With LoveMay 20, 2024Climate Justice, Green Sanctuary, Webinar
Recording and Resources: Nourishing Impactful Teams Climate Justice, WebinarSide With LoveApril 24, 2024Webinar, Climate Justice, Green Sanctuary
Recording and Resources: Climate Justice & Racial Reconciliation in Predominately White Congregations Webinar, Climate JusticeSide With LoveMarch 25, 2024Green Sanctuary, Webinar, create climate justice
Inflation Reduction Act Peer Learning Circle for Congregations Climate Justice, WebinarSide With LoveMarch 21, 2024create climate justice, Blog
Green Sanctuary Community Meeting: Renewing Environmental Justice Commitments with GS2030! Climate Justice, WebinarSide With LoveFebruary 22, 2024Green Sanctuary, Webinar, create climate justice