Recording and Resources: Nourishing Impactful Teams

Recording and Resources: Nourishing Impactful Teams

Video recording of April 17 meeting

Rev. Cathy Rion Starr led us through the Universe of Possibility presentation, after which we all spent some time drawing our unique Universe of Possibility for work we're doing in our congregations and communities. We reflected on questions like: 

  • How many people are in each circle? Who’s in your core?

  • Is your committee reflective of the congregation as a whole in terms of demographics and interests?

  • What do you invite folks to at each level?

  • How is the flow of leaders in and out of the circles?

  • What are your hopes & dreams for your universe? What changes would you like to make?

It was so helpful to frame our work through this tool, but don't take my word for it, here's what some of your peers said:

  • "Love this tool and this group… looking forward to working with y’all!" - Sharon G.

  • "Thank you, Rev. Cathy, for reminding us about the importance of different levels of involvement!" - Diane D.

  • "This is a great topic — impactful teams! Our UU congregation has many teams and they all operate differently. Love this model and I think we can apply it broadly. I hope to learn more about building community and spiritual connection simultaneously. Thank you!" - Carolyn T.

  • "I loved this! Lots to think about and weave into all my future efforts!" - Dorothy S.

This will definitely be a workshop we reference time and again in the coming months!

Resources from the meeting:

Links shared:

Statement supporting student activism on Gaza

Statement supporting student activism on Gaza

Nonbinary Parents Day and May Programming from UPLIFT!

Nonbinary Parents Day and May Programming from UPLIFT!