In late October, The Rev. John Floberg, supervising priest of the Episcopal church on the North Dakota side of Standing Rock in connection with Clergy for Climate Action, called clergy to Standing Rock from November 2-4, 2016 in solidarity, prayer and action. Over five hundred clergy – including over fifty Unitarian Universalist clergy – answered the call. Standing on the Side of Love’s Nora Rasman joined UUA President Rev. Peter Morales and Special Assistant Dea Brayden.
While in North Dakota, Nora sat down with Rev. Karen Van Fossan, Minister at the UU Fellowship and Church of Bismarck-Mandan and Ronya Hoblit, Action Director of the Native American Training Institute (NATI) and member of the UU Church to learn more about the engagement of their congregation in support of Standing Rock and ways UUs throughout the country can support the work of the water protectors there.