Join Us: Black Lives Matter- A Webinar Tuesday, March 17 4pm EST/1pm PST

Join Us: Black Lives Matter- A Webinar Tuesday, March 17 4pm EST/1pm PST

Join us on Tuesday, March 17 at 4pm EST/1pm PST to hear from two Unitarian Universalist young adult leaders who have been on the front lines of the Black Lives Matter movement. Jova Lynne Vargas and Kenny Wiley will be talking about accountability, faith, action and movement building for racial justice. 

Click here to join the webinar on Tuesday March 17 at 4pm EST/1pm PST. If you prefer or are only able to only participate via phone you can call: 213-416-1560. When prompted, enter the PIN: 687 914 579#. Please RSVP here as you're able.

Jova (far right) with beloved family in Selma

Jova (far right) with beloved family in Selma

Jova Lynne Vargas is a multimedia artist, activist and educator whose artistic practice is centered in capturing/exploring survival genealogies within Black identity. Jova is a life-long UU, former Young Religious Unitarian Universalist (YRUU) leader and grew up in the Community Church of New York where she is a member. Jova currently lives in the Bay Area, California where she is the Youth Arts Programs Manager at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. Jova is a founding member of the collective that is known as Black Brunch that has lead several direct actions in the #blacklivesmatters movement.

Kenny Wiley is a third-generation UU with roots in the Southwestern UU Conference and the Mountain Desert District.  Kenny is the General Assembly Talks Coordinator for Young Adults at the 2015 General Assembly. He is an active member of the Denver Freedom Riders, which has taken the lead in Black Lives Matter organizing in the Denver area. Kenny is passionate about Unitarian Universalism and about communities committed to justice and transformation.  Kenny is a UU World senior editor, and serves as Director of Faith Formation at Prairie UU Church in Parker, Colorado.

Click here to join the webinar on Tuesday March 17 at 4pm EST/1pm PST. If you prefer or are only able to only participate via phone you can call: 213-416-1560. When prompted, enter the PIN: 687 914 579#. 

We would love to know you’re coming, please RSVP here as you’re able.

Last weekend hundreds of Unitarian Universalists gathered in Selma to talk about the legacy, lessons and next steps in working for racial justice. Our time in Selma reminded us of the urgent collective actions needed to combat white supremacy. And we know this ongoing work must be guided by principles of accountability, equity and justice.

The webinar will also be recorded and live on our YouTube page following the event.

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