
Love Resists: Building Partnerships at the Grassroots - Feb. 20th Webinar

How we show up, who we are, what we are bringing and who we are willing to become in our justice work matters. We are excited to invite you to the next webinar from Love Resists on Building Partnerships at the Grassroots next Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 8:00pm ET/5:00pm PT. 


The conversation will cover questions including "How can an individual congregation—and the interfaith community, more broadly—approach new relationships with grassroots community organizations? How do we build trust, accountability, and a long-term commitment? What role is ours to play within a movement much larger than ourselves?"

The Minnesota UU Social Justice Alliance and their partners will share what they’ve learned through developing MARCH (Multifaith Anti-Racism, Change, and Healing) a coalition aimed at resisting white supremacy, and will also discuss what kind of awareness and skills are essential to develop strong community partnerships. 

Speakers will include:

  • Rev. Ashley Horan, Executive Director, Minnesota UU Social Justice Alliance
  • Rev. Danny Givens, Jr., Black Clergy United for Change & Black Lives Matter - Minneapolis Chapter
  • iz Loeb, Associate Director, Kaleo Center for Faith, Justice, & Social Transformation
  • Rev. Dr. Rebecca Voelkel, Executive Director, Center for Sustainable Justice

Moderated by Hannah Hafter, Senior Program Leader for Activism, UUSC

We hope you can join us for this important conversation. Register now here!

To Both/And

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