Growing our leadership and advocacy for immigrant justice

Growing our leadership and advocacy for immigrant justice

We went to bear witness.  Companioned on both sides of the border by brave and generous people who do this work full-time, we saw first-hand the oppression and suffering that are the direct result of cruel policy. We saw the echoing effects of economic injustice, and understood the impact of our militarized border. We were sobered and also deeply inspired, lifted up by the hope and hard work of our partners in faith. We were transformed, and came home ready to transform the work of our congregations on immigration justice.”  —Rev. Victoria Safford

Our borders have become militarized zones, and violence has increased as our government forces migrants to turn back no matter what their age, identity or circumstances. Unitarian Universalists have a rich history of bearing witness at borders and finding our voice as allies and advocates for immigrant justice, and we cannot stand idly by as these grave injustices continue. We know that US policies are connected to the economic, political and social systems in other countries that create displacement and forced migration. 

We are hosting our second annual Border Witness for UU Clergy, Seminarians and State Advocacy Leaders. If you identify as a UU leader, please join this trip, from November 2-7, 2015 as we continue to bear witness to human rights abuses on the U.S./Mexico Border. I’m excited to join the UUA President Peter Morales, UUMA Executive Director Don Southworth, and Director of the UU College of Social Justice Kathleen McTigue, who will lead this delegation. Will you join us this November? (And if you aren’t clergy, a seminarian or state leader, check out some of these other upcoming College of Social Justice programs!)
Together, we will walk a trail used by people migrating with volunteers with No More Deaths, a ministry of the UU Church of Tucson. We will witness the militarization of the border itself, observe “Operation Streamline” hearings designed to criminalize immigrants, and travel into Mexico to visit with people who have been recently deported and hear their stories. We will worship together, and help each other discern how our ministries and our movement can respond to the need for immigrant justice within broader movements to end the criminalization of communities of Color.
 We invite all UU clergy, state advocacy leaders and seminarians to join us. Will you join us?


Nora Rasman
SSL Campaign Coordinator

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