 Spiritual Solace After the Pulse Orlando Shooting

Spiritual Solace After the Pulse Orlando Shooting

Photograph by Ted Eytan, Flickr, Creative Commons

We are sending you much love and grace at this tough time. So many of your reached out to us about the Orlando Massacre that we wanted to make sure you did not miss the invitation to join this incredible and moving online event that we are planning with a large set of social justice partners.

LGBTQ faith leaders (ordained and unordained) of Color will be offering prayers and blessings for the LGBTQ community and all who love us. Their voices will be leading us, but ALL who are in need of this are welcome to join and listen. Sending resiliency and comfort in this time. Sign-up here.


We are grieving.

Since this past weekend so many of us are in need of solace, consoling, love.

We've been reaching out to each other with experiences of anguish, a sense of futility in the work, despair, and isolation. And a deep need for connection, counsel, and care.

This Sunday, our groups will hold an hour of what we're calling "spiritual solace" for LGBTQ movement people and our broader communities. 

It will not be a discussion. It will not be a strategy session. It will be an hour of prayer and blessing for the LGBTQ community by LGBTQ people of color who are spiritual leaders - ordained and non-ordained.

Across the country, we will be gathering to receive offerings of solace this Sunday, June 19, from 4:00-5:00pm ET/1:00-2:00pm PT.

You can sign-up to receive the link here:

People who RSVP can join for the entire hour or just five minutes. It will also be recorded and we'll be sure to share it with you.

Co-sponsors include: Standing on the Side of Love (UUA), Southerners on New Ground, Mijente, the National LGBTQ Taskforce, Kindred Southern Healing Collective, and Auburn Seminary. 

Some of our prayer givers so far are: 

Paulina Helm-Hernandez, Southerners on New Ground
Cara Page, The Audre Lorde Project
Terna Gyado, MASGD
Ricky Cintron
Rev. Alicia Forde, UUA
Malachi Garza, Community Justice Network for Youth (CJNY)
Sokari Brown, Kindred Southern Healing Justice Collective
Lisa Anderson, Auburn Seminary
Imam Daaiyee
Alexis Pauline Gumbs
Rev. Candy Holmes, Metropolitan Community Church
Rev. Maricris Vlassidis, UU
Rev. Rodney McKenzie, National LGBTQ Task Force


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