Next week, we will celebrate Thirty Days of Love. We’ve been planning and preparing for our name change announcement - stay tuned here and online for a message from us tomorrow. The name change is an opportunity for us to practice the themes for 30 Days of Love 2018.
Right now we are turning to that which kept us going in 2017. We found deep meaning and inspiration in the work of Black Lives of UU, EqUUal Access and disability rights activists within Unitarian Universalism, UU religious professionals of Color leading the White Supremacy Teach-Ins and beyond as their visionary leadership called us into building a new way forward. The wisdom, grace and faith that made any possibility of accountability continue. We continue to take in the the challenge and possibility of this political and denominational moment.
As we turn to 30 Days of Love 2018, we’ll be sharing weekly messages on: vision, creation, endurance, spiritual sustenance, and praxis. With each message, we’ll share accompanying resources.
Rev. Marisol Caballero has created an all-ages daily activity resource for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday through Valentines Day for your use connected to these themes. Check it out and download it here.
We’re excited to see what these times of creation, reflection and building will mean for our collective work.
To more building,
Rev. Elizabeth Nguyen, Senior Advisor, Standing on the Side of Love
Nora Rasman, Campaign Manager, Standing on the Side of Love