The dream of justice and equality is a dream worth living

The dream of justice and equality is a dream worth living

Today, we honor the life and legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., whose vision calls us to keep the dream alive through daily practice. Dr. King taught us that justice is not inevitable—it is built through continuous struggle, unwavering faith, and collective action. His dream lives on in every act of courage and compassion as we work to create a world rooted in equity, dignity, and love.

This Martin Luther King Jr. Day, as we begin 30 Days of Love, we celebrate the progress made by communities committed to justice and recognize the work still ahead. Together, we can build the Beloved Community by grounding ourselves in our shared values and collective action.

As Dr. King reminds us: “Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability but comes through continuous struggle.”

Justice requires intentional action. Yet, hope grows when we unite in community, using our shared values to challenge injustice and build a more loving, equitable world.

Inhabiting Our Freedom Dreams: 30 Days of Love
As we honor Dr. King’s vision of a just and compassionate world, we are proud to launch this year’s 30 Days of Love with the theme "Inhabiting Our Freedom Dreams."

This year, 30 Days of Love will share practices we can take together to bring dreams of justice and liberation into being. New resources will be released every Tuesday, offering a variety of ways to engage with the weekly themes, including:

  • A Side With Love message provides political education and context for each weekly theme with lessons and inspiration to move through these times. 

  • A journal practice to reflect and dream to chart a course with clarity and care.

  • A creative/art practice to ground in the beauty and abundance of imagination.   

  • A body practice to ground us in resilience and renewal.

  • A family-friendly, multigenerational activity that builds community as we take action for justice.

Together, we can pace ourselves, grow our relationships, and build the spiritual discipline to sustain this work for the long haul. However you choose to engage with these offerings, we are honored to share the love and wisdom of some of our most inspiring UU voices.

A Blessing for MLK Day

We offer these words from Rev. Dr. Hope Johnson, a Unitarian Universalist minister, as a blessing for this day:

“The dream of justice and equality—the Beloved Community—is a dream worth living, worth giving our all. Let us continue to move forward, hand in hand, heart to heart, ever faithful, ever committed, ever courageous.”

May we honor Dr. King not only in our words but in our deeds. Together, we carry his vision forward, bending the arc toward justice and creating a world filled with compassion and hope.

In faith and solidarity,

The Side With Love Team 

Introducing the Unitarian Universalist Issue Guide: Abortion and Reproductive Justice

Introducing the Unitarian Universalist Issue Guide: Abortion and Reproductive Justice

30 Days of Love 2025: Inhabiting Our Freedom Dreams

30 Days of Love 2025: Inhabiting Our Freedom Dreams