A time to grieve, a time to re-commit

A time to grieve, a time to re-commit

Earlier today, the Supreme Court of the United States handed down its decision in the Dobbs v. Jackson case. The final opinion effectively overturned Roe v. Wade and eliminated federal protections for abortion. Each state will now be able to independently regulate abortion, with at least 26 states poised to entirely ban abortion care beginning immediately. 

We weep for the millions of people and families that will be harmed–physically, spiritually, financially, and emotionally–because of this decision. We mourn that this ruling rolls back many decades of advances for reproductive health, rights, and justice. And we sit with the numbness, despair, and anger we feel knowing that white Christian nationalist misogyny has won the day. 

Whenever our movements experience a major defeat, we take a beat to discern what our next moves will be. We all have the right to grieve, to rage, to mourn when we lose – it’s what keeps us human, and reminds us why we keep fighting. (Sometimes this can look like mass protest, when we gather in the streets as a community together. Many communities are planning decision day #BansOffOurBodies marches or protests; find yours here.)

Then, when we’re ready to move back into action after a loss, we have to choose how to allocate our energy. In the weeks and months ahead, as we calibrate to the realities of living in a post-Roe United States, there will be concrete ways for our congregations to take on both harm reduction and liberatory imagination. Here are three things you can do right now to support both today:

  • Donate to your local abortion fund, and/or the National Network of Abortion Funds. Abortion has never been universally accessible to people in the US, but the National Network of Abortion Funds and their local affiliates have been supporting those seeking abortion care for decades. From making clinic referrals to providing financial support for medical costs, travel, childcare, and more, we need robust abortion funds more than ever. 

Whether you are in a state where abortion will be criminalized, or a state to which people will come seeking abortion care, there is a role for all of us–and all our congregations–to play, starting right now. The fight is far from over, but we’re grateful to be in it for the long haul with you.

In faith and solidarity,

The Side With Love Team 

Response to  Supreme Court Ruling on West Virginia v. EPA

Response to Supreme Court Ruling on West Virginia v. EPA

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