Webinar: Connecting with State Action Networks on Climate Advocacy - Recording & Resources

Webinar: Connecting with State Action Networks on Climate Advocacy - Recording & Resources

This month's Green Sanctuary 2030 Community Meeting, Connecting with State Action Networks on Climate Advocacy, highlighted ways to engage with UU State Action Networks to advocate for policies that reduce emissions at the local, state, and national levels.  Special thanks to Deb Cruz from JUUstice Washington and Rev. Lisa Sampson-Garcia from UU Justice Ministry of North Carolina for leading the conversation! 

UU State Action Networks do powerful justice work across the country, and they offer timely information on actions affecting your community, including: 

  • Resources and research on justice issues.

  • A community of like-minded folks you can activate for specific events.

  • Support and guidance for getting your congregation involved in justice work at the local level.

  • Justice-oriented worship services to inspire and inform your congregation.

  • Professional development and networking opportunities.

If you’re interested in getting involved with legislative advocacy and justice work that impacts your local community, find the SAN nearest you or consider starting your own!  

What’s Next?

We've got some excellent opportunities for shared learning and mutual supports in our upcoming Green Sanctuary 2030 Community meetings!  RSVP today!

April 19: Solar 101 + IRA Funds!  Michael Cohen, Solar United Neighbors, will give a quick primer on Solar for congregations and share a little about the process the First Unitarian Church of Orlando is going through to consider installing solar with IRA funds.   

May 17: Funding for Congregational Clean Energy & Climate Solutions UUA’s Executive Vice President, Carey McDonald, will share UU-specific funding mechanisms to use in conjunction with the Federal Funding opportunities to advance equitable clean energy and climate justice.  We encourage you to watch the recent webinar on Planning the Energy Future of Your Congregation to prepare for this conversation. 

**We're planning to host peer learning circles to support congregations considering IRA funding for clean energy & Climate solutions.  Email for more info!

June 19: Climate Justice Brainstorm!  For many Green Sanctuary Teams, the Justice campaign is the most challenging and also the one with the most room for growth and collaboration.  Bring your questions and ideas and join the conversation!  

You can RSVP for these and all of our climate justice events at

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Evaluation is an Act of Love: Skill Up Recording and Resources

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