Why Engage In Asset Mapping As A Congregation?
With Love at the center of our faith, we can embody our shared value of generosity by clearly identifying the resources we hold and can offer to our community. Congregations of all sizes are fundamentally hubs of Love’s resources: the people who make up our membership, the infrastructure we build to serve our mission, the values we hold in common and our commitment to realizing them in the world, and the relationships we nurture with one another and our communities. Because of the inherent richness within our congregations, we play a crucial role in the ecosystem of local organizing and justice-making.
Congregations can be wellsprings of significant resources for their communities, both in ongoing and emergent ways. The more authentic and mutual our relationships are with community partners, the more effectively we can share our assets with those who share our values and goals. By practicing generosity, we honor the interdependence that has the power to transform our world with justice and Love.