How do we make our interdependence faithful and value-driven?

How do we make our interdependence faithful and value-driven?

How do we make our interdependence faithful and value-driven?

This question was posed by UUA President Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt during the fireside chat with UUSC President Rev. Mary Katherine Morn. These two theologians and leaders discussed the UU theological grounding for climate justice. Interdependent doesn't always mean something positive, as Rev. Betancourt noted. Someone upstream polluting has an interdependent relationship with those downstream. So: how do we make our interdependence faithful and value-driven?

Watch the event recording which includes reporting back from the small group discussion that happened. 

Host Your Own Congregational Viewing & Discussion

 You are welcome to share the recording of our meeting or watch the conversation only and use these discussions for your own small group conversations.

Discussion questions:

  • What are you holding in your heart or mind?

  • How does your personal faith call you to climate justice?

  • How can this growing understanding of the faithful call to climate justice transform your current climate actions?

Upcoming Events

UU Revival Facilitator Training

November 14 at 7pm ET / 4pm PT

Are you one of your congregation's facilitators for the UU Climate Justice Revival? All facilitators need to join one of our 2 hour Facilitator Training Sessions. Come learn how to be the best facilitator you can be for your congregation's Revival! 

Get Connected:  Who's doing what, where, when, and why!?

November 20 at 7pm ET / 4pm PT
With over 375 UU Congregations hosting the UU Climate Justice Revival and 125 ACTIVE Green Sanctuary 2030 Congregations, UUs are mobilizing for Climate Justice...but how?  As climate disasters become more commonplace, we need stronger networks of community care.  Whether you want to convene a regional Revival, work on disaster response, collaborate on statewide advocacy, or just learn how others are approaching their climate justice work, working together with other UUs can be a powerful response to the problems of our times.

Green Sanctuary 2030 Orientation

December 4 at 7pm ET / 4pm PT

Get to know the new Green Sanctuary! Join the monthly orientation session to get a better understanding of the program and learn how your congregation can engage in ongoing climate action. Green Sanctuary 2030: Mobilizing for Climate Justice can transform your congregation through climate justice! Orientation meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month at 4PT - 5MT - 6CT - 7ET. 

Green Sanctuary Celebration and Call for Renewal with Pres. Sofía Betancourt
December 11 at 7pm ET / 4pm PT
Come together to celebrate 35 years of Green Sanctuary! From the 7th Principle Project to Mobilizing for Climate Justice, the Green Sanctuary process has transformed our congregations and our world. Join Pres. Sofía and friends for a celebration of Green Sanctuary and a call for renewal through Green Sanctuary 2030: Mobilizing for Climate Justice. Register now.

Forward Together: Anchoring in Community Post-Election

Forward Together: Anchoring in Community Post-Election

Recording & Resources: UU Theological Grounding for Climate Justice

Recording & Resources: UU Theological Grounding for Climate Justice