Michael “Little Feather” Giron is the first Indigenous Water Protector who was arrested in relation to the DAPL pipeline resistance at Standing Rock to be sentenced to a substantial prison term. He is currently incarcerated at USP Hazleton in West Virginia, a maximum-security prison over 1,000 miles from his home. At our UU General Assembly this June, in a nearly unanimous vote, delegates from our congregations adopted an important Action of Immediate Witness. This AIW calls us now to act in solidarity with Water Protector Little Feather.
USP Hazleton has been on lockdown since August 6th. Little Feather's family, spiritual community, and even lawyer cannot reach him by phone, email, or visit. Visiting is suspended until further notice with no timeline or reasoning given. As part of the lock down, Little Feather has been denied access to his Indigenous spiritual practices, including inipi and pipe ceremony. Please be direct and unflinching in regards to Little Feather needing contact with his attorney, loved ones, and ceremony, but do not be confrontational for the sake of his safety.
Today, please call, email, and fax to ask that:
- Little Feather's loved ones be able to contact him by phone, email, and visit.
- Little Feather's lawyer be able to do a wellness check and contact him by phone immediately.
- Little Feather be allowed the weekly practice of inipi and pipe ceremony protected by his right to the free practice of his religion.
- Little Feather's location of sentencing be reviewed. He is at maximum security USP Hazleton in West Virginia despite the judge's recommended that he be in a medium security prison within 500 miles of New Mexico, his home.
Regional Director Angela Dunbar of the Mid Atlantic Region of Federal Bureau of Prisons:
Email: MXRO/ExecAssistant@bop.gov
Phone: 301-317-3100
Fax: 301-317-3119
(If you copy and paste the email address, use: MXRO/ExecAssistant@bop.gov)
Warden Joe Coakley USP Hazleton:
Email: HAX/ExecAssistant@bop.gov
Phone: 304-379-5000
Fax: 304-379-5039
(If you copy and paste the email address, use: HAX/ExecAssistant@bop.gov)
Central Office Federal Bureau of Prisons:
Phone: (202) 307-3198
Email: https://www.bop.gov/inmates/concerns.jsp
Also – please write to Little Feather, if you can commit to replying to him if you receive a response:
Michael Giron 25201-075
USP Hazelton
P.O. BOX 2000
With gratitude and in solidarity with all at USP Hazleton and solidarity with all political prisoners,
Leoyla Cowboy, Little Feather’s wife,
and Karen Van Fossan, minister of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Bismarck, ND
P.S. Sample Letter/Call Script
To Whom It May Concern,
I'm a caring community member inquiring about the safety and well-being of Michael “Little Feather” Giron 25201-075, a Water Protector who is a political prisoner being held at USP Hazleton. His family and lawyer have not been able to visit him by email, phone, or in person since August 6th and have not been given any information about his well-being or the timeline for future contact. As part of the lock down, Little Feather has been denied access to his Indigenous spiritual practices, including inipi and pipe ceremony.
I'm requesting that:
- Little Feather's family be able to contact him by phone, email, and visit.
- Little Feather's lawyer be able to do a wellness check and contact him by phone immediately.
- Little Feather be allowed the weekly practice of inipi and pipe ceremony protected by his right to the free practice of his religion.
- Little Feather’s location of sentencing be reviewed. He is at maximum security USP Hazleton in West Virginia despite the judge's recommended that he be in a medium security prison within 500 miles of New Mexico.
In solidarity with prisoners at USP Hazleton and solidarity with all political prisoners and with regards,
__your name here_____
Free fax services:
https://www.myfax.com/free/ – can send up to 2 faxes free every 24 hours. Simply upload your document and press send. No account or sign-up needed.
https://faxzero.com/ – 5 free per day, max 3 pages per fax. No account or sign-up needed.
More at: https://www.freelittlefeather.com/call-to-action and follow on Facebook to stay in touch.