Immigration Justice Stalled

Immigration Justice Stalled

“Loud voices urge us to choose fear, denial, reactionary nationalism, and racism. We must resist and choose the better way urged by every major religious tradition. We must choose the path of compassion and hope. We must choose a path that is founded on the recognition that we are connected, that we are all in this together.”

 —Rev. Peter Morales, UUA President, excerpted from his essay in “A People So Bold” 

Throughout the country, Unitarian Universalists continue to take action to transform our broken immigration system. Rooted in faith and justice, UU congregations and individuals have taken action calling for human rights and compassion in the face of violent policies that break up families and communities.

Join the monthly Standing on the Side of Love webinar on Thursday April 23, at 4pm ET/1pm PT. Our focus this month is Immigration Justice Stalled. We will be joined by Immigration Justice partners and UU immigration experts, including Hector Barajas (Deported Vets, based in Tijuana) and Mar Cárdenas Loutzenhiser (Centro GaryMar in Tijuana), Rachel Freed (UUSC) Hannah Hafter (UU College of Social Justice) and Katia Hansen (UURISE) who will discuss where we stand now after President Obama’s administrative action has been stalled in the courts, and how deportations continue to tear families apart.

Join us on Thursday, April 23 at 4pm ET/1pm PT. Click here to join us at that time. If you prefer or are only able to only participate via phone you can call: 213-416-1560 and type 885 360 202# when prompted.

The webinar will be a chance to learn how UUs have taken action nationally and locally, in partnership and through leadership by immigrant rights groups. 

Click here to join us at that time. We hope you can join us for this important call.

In faith & justice,

Jennifer Toth & Nora Rasman, on behalf of The Standing on the Side of Love team

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