
Fortification Season 2 | Miss Major Griffin-Gracy

Sending you love for a day that fills you up with whatever you may need. We are so excited to bring you the next set of interviews of Fortification: Spiritual Sustenance for Movement Leadership. In December, we had an opportunity to have conversations with a number of members Auburn's Resilient Leaders Across a Fractured Country, amplifying the lessons of spiritually-resilient leaders in the South, Midwest, and Southwest.

In today's conversation Caitlin speaks with Miss Major Griffin-Gracy, an original pioneer of transgender activism and a champion for Transgender Women of Color who leads the cause for transgender rights in the prison industrial complex. She took part in the Stonewall riots. Miss Major is also the Executive Director Emeritus for the Transgender GenderVariant Intersex Justice Project (TGI Justice Project) and founder of the Haus of GiGi. Read more about and support her work here. In the conversation they talk about the mothering the movement, replenishment, accompaniment and creating home and what it means to root our organizing in a deep and unwavering love for community.

Check out the latest episode here

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We're looking forward to continuing these conversations with you and yours.


Caitlin Breedlove, Abhimanyu Janamanchi & Nora Rasman

Fortification Podcast Crew

Love Resists: Building Partnerships at the Grassroots - Feb. 20th Webinar

Thirty Days of Love: Lessons for the Next Season