Four things you can do to support Stop Cop City

Four things you can do to support Stop Cop City

Yesterday, our community rallied around the 61 people who were arraigned in the RICO case targeting Stop Cop City organizers. Like the domestic terrorism charges levied at protesters earlier this year, these are inflated charges meant to quash democratic protest and free speech. Members of our Unitarian Universalist community were among people arraigned as well as those rallying to their defense. The violent and repressive tactics used against community members and activists to support this unpopular and anti-democratic police training facility demonstrate what is at stake. Violent and anti-democratic processes do not lead to peaceful or just outcomes. 

As UUs, we condemn the criminalization of protest. We build power for justice through collectivism and deepen our relationships and capacity for liberation through social solidarity. We're grateful to be part of a movement that won't cede ground to fascism, increased militarization of law enforcement, and destruction of our green spaces.

This weekend, activists are traveling to Atlanta to take direct action to stop Cop City. While Side With Love is not a partner in this action, we join in solidarity with our faith and community partners and remain committed to this campaign. Here are four things you can do to join in solidarity:

  1. Support activists facing RICO and terrorism charges. Donate to the Atlanta Solidarity Fund.  

  2. Learn more about the Cop City plan and the movement to stop it via the Not Just Cop City” webinar series , presented in collaboration with the American Friends Service Committee

    • Session 1: Tuesday, November 14 8-9pm ET, 7 CT, 6 MT, 5 PT: The Environment - Sign Up Now

      • UU Debrief Thursday, November 16th, 2-3pm ET - Sign Up Now

    • Session 2: December 6, 8-9pm ET: Abolition

    • Session 3: January 11, 8-9pm ET: Police Foundations & Policing

  3. Join Stop Cop City Rapid Response Text Alerts to be on call for urgent actions. Sign up to receive rapid response text alerts here.

  4. Organize a Share the Plate for the Atlanta Solidarity Fund

From preserving a forest, building safe communities and making sure communities have the choice about their lives and futures. Join us for the stop cop city political education series to learn more about the fight to stop cop city. With our partners American Friends Service Committee and UUSC, we will learn about this issue and the people led movement to stop cop city. Together we will dig deeply into the history of this plan, interrogate the interests of its corporate backers, and reflect on our values and the moral call to democracy and justice. 

The fight to stop cop city is not just about the people of Atlanta. With similar projects sweeping cities across the nation (like in Baltimore, San Francisco, and Colorado Springs), this is our collective work. Understanding what is happening in Atlanta equipped us to understand the battles for justice and democracy in all the places we call home. 

Let us join together to resist fascism and the erosion of our democratic rights. Sign up today to learn more and join other Unitarian Universalists taking action.

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