
Risking from where we are

Greetings from Side with Love!

As we enter this sweet new year in the Jewish calendar, this beginning of the school year, as we fire up around electoral campaigns where we have a chance to support visionary leaders and ballot initiatives that put our values into action, we are asking again: how can we risk, from wherever we are, on the side of love?

We witness our comrades in prison striking, risking retribution, violence, and suppression. 

We witness beloveds from Minnesota to Louisiana, risking charges, police brutality and backlash to protect the water. 

We witness imperfect, committed leaders risking personally and professionally to run for office with integrity and boldness. 

We witness regular people, you and I, trying to figure out what we must risk now. For our ancestors and for the ones who come after and for our own souls. 

At Side with Love we strive to practice the spiritual task of discernment in where to prioritize our energy, love, resources and skills. We ask:

  • Where are frontline organized communities who do not have the support of people of faith?

  • Where can we push faith-based justice work to be more unapologetic and courageous? 

  • Where is the organic energy flowing? 

With that discernment, consider joining us:

From wherever we are in ecosystem - whether we are creating mutual aid networks to meet our needs right now, confronting the systems that oppress us, using the electoral process to win within our lifetimes and elect leaders that can change the game, may we risk what we must. For justice. For love. 

Our faith believes survivors

Call to Action! Solidarity with Water Protector Little Feather