Join We the People: Jan 6th Day of Remembrance & Action

Join We the People: Jan 6th Day of Remembrance & Action

A new year brings fresh possibilities and is often a time when our spirits rise. And yet a year ago as we prepared for progress we were confronted with a deadly insurrection where armed right-wing militants attacked our Capitol and tried to overturn the results of the 2020 election. We have worked hard all this past year to build a multi-racial democracy and combat the attack on voting rights and democracy waged on our Black, Indigenous and people of color communities. Finally, the Freedom to Vote Act, and other democracy legislation may be taken up by the Senate. Yesterday, Majority Leader Senator Schumer called for a rules change in the Senate to keep the filibuster from blocking democracy.

At the same time, the same faction that led the insurrection on January 6th has continued their work of silencing voices through partisan gerrymandering, blocking critical democracy legislation, and building systems for future attempts to undermine free and fair elections.

We must not forget what happened -- and we must demand action from our leaders to prevent another attack on our democracy.

So on January 6th, exactly one year later, we are grounding in our commitment to building a beloved community–a multi-racial democracy where our leaders are accountable to the people, and voters decide the outcomes of elections. Democracy is not a partisan issue, but a foundational element of a just society that recognizes the worth and dignity of all.

Join a candlelight vigil or democracy action in your community on Jan. 6!

There are close to 300 events being held around the country.

There’s also still time to host a vigil in your community if you can’t find one near you. We need many events across the nation to demonstrate the groundswell for democracy in this urgent moment. Sign up to host a candlelight vigil on Jan. 6! You’ll receive a toolkit and support from our democracy coalition. Whether your event is large or small it makes a difference and can have an impact in your community.

As people of faith, we are called to public witness, to name sacred truths, in the midst of big lies. Whether it is the lie of a stolen election or the lie that senate rules are more sacred than voting rights, or the lie of white supremacy, we must shed light on truth and justice.

There is much work ahead of us. Systems of policing and voter suppression and this right-wing movement to consolidate power in the hands of the few are deeply rooted in white supremacy and capitalism. Legislation alone will not eradicate those evils from our systems, but like all justice movements, passing robust legislation is essential to win for our communities right now. Our elected leaders must pass urgent legislation that will protect this country from anti-democratic forces who are continuing their efforts to destroy it.

That’s why we must show up together in this moment –– we need to keep up the momentum for our freedom to vote.

Join a candlelight vigil or democracy action in your community on Jan. 6!

The January 6th attack by right-wing militants demonstrates the dangers facing our nation and only further underscores the urgency with which we need to transform our political system into one that works for all of us. The U.S. Senate and President Biden must do whatever is necessary to pass the Freedom to Vote Act, Protecting Our Democracy Act, John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, and DC Statehood.

Coming together, we can prevent another January 6th attack and realize the promise of democracy so that we all have an equal say in the decisions that shape our daily lives and futures.

In faith and solidarity,

Nicole Pressley

UUA Side with Love Organizing Strategy Team Field and Programs Director

PS - Let us know how the event you organized or were a part of went. Fill out our short Side with Love Action Center Activity Report at

Please note this is about a Jan. 6th Action in the last question describing the event. Thank you!

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