Decriminalization is a process of healing and (re)connection: take action today!
On Jan. 15-21, demand corporations stay out of policing our communities and end their involvement in Cop City!
The Atlanta Police Foundation is trying to use millions of tax dollars and millions in corporate contributions to build one of the largest militarized police training facilities in the country in Atlanta. Corporations, which are not accountable to the public, are funding Cop City and the Atlanta Police Foundation.
Home Depot and UPS are among 21 corporations involved in sponsoring, financing, insuring, and building the facility. We are taking action to tell them to get out of policing in our communities. Please join with your community this week of Jan. 15 -21 to demand that these corporations end their involvement with Cop City.
Image description: Graphic by Paul Garner ( with a powerful forest rising out of a hollow construction site behind a blue and orange bulldozer. The trees have trunks shaped like raised fists. Two people representing UPS and Home Depot are fearfully running away on the sidelines, carrying a box and bucket of dollars, which are fluttering out. In the background is a sunburst. “HOME DEPOT & UPS are among 21 corporations pouring millions into one of the largest militarized police training facilities in the U.S. So… WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO ABOUT IT? STOP COP CITY! Corporate Week of Action. Jan 15–Jan 21, 2024. Take Action!" The graphic includes a QR code and two URLs: and
Take action now: tell CEOs to stop funding Cop City and militarized policing!
The construction of Cop City would destroy much of the city's largest urban forest, warming nearby majority Black neighborhoods by as much as 10 degrees. Similar projects are being considered in other cities.
Private sector corporations—which are not accountable to the public—are funding the Atlanta Police Foundation as well as other private police foundation projects.
Send a message to their CEOs today! And urge them to stay out of policing our communities.
Please use this map to find an event near you! If you're in the area, we invite you to join the events below:
Thursday, January 18 @ 12-1pm MT in Denver: Stop Cop City Denver Letter Delivery and Action
Saturday, January 20 @ 11am-12:30pm PT in Emeryville: Protest Home Depot's Support of Cop City
Monday, January 22 @ 10:30am-3:00pm ET in Atlanta: All Out for City Council Meeting
Image description: Header with a rainbow hand drawn heart and a blue and white calendar with January 15-21 underlined on a black background. "30 Days of Love. January 15 - January 21. Weekly Theme Safety :: Decriminalization."
Welcome to the first week of 30 Days of Love! This year’s theme is “Imagining an Interdependent Future.” With each new year, we move into an intentional holy time of spiritual nourishment, contemplation, and embodiment. A new year can carry with it the weight and grief of the former while inviting us into possibility and prophecy of the new. We enter 2024 witnessing unconscionable suffering and injustice at a scale that calls us all to deeply reimagine a future where we all thrive. The only way through this moment is together, bound by a commitment to our shared humanity and interdependence. 30 Days of Love offers a place to steady and stretch as we faithfully journey toward wholeness and collective liberation. Together, let us imagine our interdependent future and order our work along this path.
In the first week, we explore the theme of “safety” and how it shows up in our world and our decriminalization work. Click here to read the full reflection from Side With Love Field & Programs Director Nicole Pressley.
This week’s offerings: a Time For All Ages by Rev. Mylo Way; a Body Practice from Jess Hunt; a prayer by Rev. Cecilia Kingman; a blessing from Rev. Elizabeth Nguyen; and a Grounding Practice for Safety by Lora Powell-Haney.
P.S. Ready to take action? Sign our letter urging CEOs to stop funding Cop City and militarized policing and share it with three friends!