
Fortification: Spiritual Sustenance for Movement Leadership is Back!

Last fall, we launched Fortification, a podcast about the spiritual lives of organizers and activists. It was an amazing opportunity to get to sit down with people within and across faith tradition to talk about some of the big questions facing organizers, communities and institutions.

Much has changed and much remains the same since our first episode. We're excited to be coming to you with a second season of Fortification: Spiritual Sustenance for Movement Leadership - the same recording team and now in collaboration with Auburn Seminary. We're having similar conversations and bringing questions about the roles, opportunities and barriers to faith communities supporting movement, creating individual and collective rituals for the long-haul and more.

Today we released our newest episode with Rodney McKenzie, Director of Partnerships at Demos, in conversation with Caitlin Breedlove, now Vice President of Movement Leadership at Auburn. We also held a TwitterChat with our first five guests to keep the conversation going - check out a Storify from the conversation here.

Be sure to subscribe on iTunesGooglePlay and SoundCloud so you don't miss an episode!

We're looking forward to continuing these conversations with you and yours.


The Fortification Podcast Team Caitlin Breedlove, Abhimanyu Janamanchi & Nora Rasman

You're Invited: Love Resists Criminalization Webinar Tuesday 7pm ET/4pm PT

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