Heart-to-Heart: Abortion Conversations and Action for a Post-Roe World

Heart-to-Heart: Abortion Conversations and Action for a Post-Roe World

On May 17th, Side With Love hosted the National Network of Abortion Funds for a political education webinar for Unitarian Universalists and other people of faith and conscience to support abortion and take action in a post-Roe world. We’re especially grateful to Amanda Pretlow and Adaku Utah for their expertise, love, and invitational challenge at this event.

We heard about the importance of strengthening our muscles to have deep, connective conversations with people in our communities about abortion (and other issues!). NNAF’s Heart-to-Heart framework is an incredible resource to use for both relational organizing (1:1 values-based conversations with people in our own networks) and community organizing (within our congregations and with other faith communities). You can check out the whole array of Heart-to-Heart resources on the NNAF website, or you can jump right to specific tools:

Toward the end of the webinar, we offered three specific calls to action:

  1. Become an individual member of NNAF, and organize your congregation to make an offering to your local abortion fund.

  2. Plan a set of small-group Heart-to-Heart conversations either within your own congregation, or in partnership with other local progressive congregations – remember that the work of building alignment, shared values, and relationships is an essential precursor to building power and capacity!

  3. If your congregation is ready to begin organizing right now for concrete action working for abortion access and reproductive justice in your community, join us for Side With Love’s three-session Congregational Reproductive Justice Organizing Series, happening later this summer! (Please note that in order to join this cohort, we require at least two people from your congregation to commit to participating).

We’re so grateful that so many UUs are ready to meet the needs of this moment, and to continue to grow our relationships with organizations who have been leading this struggle for years.


Rev. Ashley Horan

Organizing Strategy Director, Side With Love - UUA

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