Are you in need of some faithful grounding?

Dr. Cornell West famously said, "Justice is what Love looks like in public."

At Side with Love, Justice is our primary focus. And we know that in order to keep showing up with our Love in public, we need to ground ourselves in love -- of ourselves and others. Will you join me in our Faithful Grounding to practice love next Thursday?

Beloved, do you find yourself in need of grounding in the love that allows you to act for justice?

I invite you to join me at this month's Side with Love Faithful Grounding Hour: an hour of spiritual sustenance and grounding with others organizing on the side of love hosted by our Fun & Spiritual Nourishment Squad.

Faithful Grounding Hour


Thursday, February 23

4:30 PT / 5:30 MT / 6:30 CT / 7:30 ET

Faithful Grounding begins with brief worship led by Rev. Kristina church and ends with a Connection Cafe for those who wish to talk together. Show up as you are, whatever is in your heart, and with your camera on or off as you need. This is a live, dynamic (and unrecorded) monthly gathering on the 4th Thursday of each month. Join us!

If you can't make it, or want more, our 30 Days of Love recordings are available to help nourish your spirit and give gratitude and affirmation.

May we, together, help Love flourish in private and in public.

With love and care,

Side with Love Fun & Spiritual Nourishment Squad