Green Sanctuary 2030 Monthly Gathering for April: Solar 101 + IRA Funds

Green Sanctuary 2030 Monthly Gathering for April: Solar 101 + IRA Funds

Michael Cohen, Solar United Neighbors, gave an overview on Solar for congregations and share a little about the process the First Unitarian Church of Orlando is going through to consider installing solar with IRA funds.

You can watch the presentation and check out Michael’s Handy Links for UU Congregations on Energy Efficiency & Solar.  

What’s Next?

What next?  Join us in May to learn about how you can leverage UUA funding options with IRA funds for an even bigger impact.  On May 17 at 7ET for Carey McDonald, UUA Executive Vice President, will discuss IRA funds and UUs: Funding Clean Energy and Climate Solutions!  With 30% direct pay options for churches and nonprofits, IRA funds present a great opportunity for UUs to reduce our carbon footprint while cultivating communities of care and prioritizing climate justice. Even better, the UUA has funding options to help you maximize IRA funds! Register Now

About Green Sanctuary 2030

Are you thinking about joining the Green Sanctuary 2030 process?  Come to an orientation to learn more and get started!  Orientations are the first Wednesday of each month at 7ET.  Sign up for these and all Climate Justice events at


Find our other climate justice and Green Sanctuary 2030 webinars here.

 End the Era of Fossil Fuels Mobilization for UUs, June 2023

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