
Join Me in Prophetic Witness with the Poor People’s Campaign, May 13-15 & Beyond!

You may have heard me say that this is no time for a casual faith and no time to go it alone. I mean it with every fiber of my being. And it’s out of those convictions that I am joining the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for a Moral Revival to engage in direct action on May 14th at the nation’s capital with other denominational leaders and national justice partners, and thousands of clergy, activists, and impacted people. 

In less than two weeks tens of thousands of people of faith and conscience, people from organizations working for justice, people directly impacted by poverty and systemic oppression, people deeply concerned about climate change, racism, and the war economy will take action across the country. In Washington, DC and in most state capitals, there will be a mass meeting on May 13th to prepare ourselves spiritually and tactically and on the 14th we will witness and engage in non-violent moral fusion direct action. Many Unitarian Universalists are already connected with the campaign and have pledged to come to Washington. Will you join us? 

You can learn more and sign up to take action with other Unitarian Universalists on Monday May 14th or another Monday here. Some of our Love Resists national staff will be taking action on May 21st and UUs have signed up for following Mondays as well. 

This new Poor People’s Campaign is one powerful offering, building on Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ‘s call of fifty years ago for a ‘Revolution of Values’ to challenge the triple threats of racism, militarism, and materialism and confront poverty and injustice. Rev. Dr. Claudia De la Cruz, Co-Chair of the New York State Poor People’s Campaign and member of the national steering committee said at the campaign’s national press conference launch last month "We may not run the United States, but we make it run. And we are ready to shut it down with our bodies." 

After the season of 40 days of direct action, teach-ins, worship, arts and cultural events, from May 13th-June 21st in over 30 states and the U.S. capital, and a mass mobilization on June 23rd in Washington, DC, the campaign will shift to voter registration and turnout, and begin developing fusion grassroots organizing campaigns to gain the campaign’s demands for policy change at the state and national level.

Many of you have already said yes to this invitation. Unitarian Universalist clergy, lay leaders and activists are bringing your skill, resilience, power and courage to the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for a Moral Revival and so many other places where justice is blooming. If you can be part of actions in your state capital and with me in Washington, DC on May 14th, sign the UU Commitment Pledge, I will look forward to being with you. This is no time for a casual faith and no time to go it alone. Whatever you can do, I know that we will be together on the side of love.

In faith,

Signature (first name only).png

Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray
President, Unitarian Universalist Association

Justice requires our imagination

The Power of Community