We Need You

We Need You

I was in large part transformed by the political education and grounding I learned within Unitarian Universalism - participating in and facilitating popular education and anti-racism training and organizing for youth and young adults. These spaces created relationships for many of us with local and national movements. The faith also grappled to steadily support this work and in turn hurt me and so many people I love. 

When I joined Standing on the Side of Love, I had a deep thirst for this faith to offer that "steady hand", that Caitlin so eloquently wrote about here, that is of use in supporting movements for liberation for the long term. I have wanted our faith to trust and believe that faith & spirit happens everywhere - and for those we seek to center and who are most impacted by systems of oppression - that's often NOT in our church pews. I have wanted those of us who are white to go beyond apologizing and move resources and shift power.

This summer, we've been asking questions about we can be of use and show up with this "steady hand"? How we can quiet the pettiness, do the work & collaborate with humility and love? It is my hope that the upcoming #ReviveLove tour will do just that. 

We're thrilled to that any funds up to $10,000 will be matched by the Borealis Foundation. Can you donate $50 to #ReviveLove today and help us meet our goal?

It has been an extraordinary experience to be able to connect and learn from folks who have led the framing and planning of this tour including Leslie Mac, Lena Gardner, Jay-Marie Hill, Osagyefo Sekou, Caitlin Breedlove, India Danielle & Elandria Williams.

I feel inspired, excited and ready and that’s why I’m hopping on the road for the #ReviveLove tour. But we need your help. We have raised 1/4 of our $10,000 goal and have fifteen days to go. Faithify is an all or nothing funding platform. Can you make a donation of $50 - or an amount comfortable for you- in support of reviving love and providing political and spiritual sustenance for movement, today? 

With love and solidarity,

Nora Rasman

Campaign Coordinator, Standing on the Side of Love

We're Reviving Love - Join us!

We're Reviving Love - Join us!

Save the Date: 30 Days of Love 2017 - Fortifying the Movement

Save the Date: 30 Days of Love 2017 - Fortifying the Movement