Tell Congress: Protect healthcare for trans people!

Tell Congress: Protect healthcare for trans people!

The attacks on the freedom and dignity of trans people and their families continue to escalate, with one-third of the country that has passed laws that criminalize and ban access to gender-affirming care. The next stage of the fight for basic LGBTQ freedoms is here, and it affects everyone — even in states that haven’t seen any anti-trans attacks.

Legislation has already been introduced by the most extreme anti-LGBTQ Members of Congress that would criminalize the health care trans people need. Now, they’re sneaking bans on essential health care into the federal budget too. Any national bans on gender-affirming care would be devastating. You and your elected Members of Congress are our last line of defense against this national threat.

As Unitarian Universalists who believe in the dignity and worth of every human being, we must stop any effort to criminalize trans people and the families and communities who love us. Send your message loud and clear: Tell your Members of Congress to protect trans people from discrimination.

Image description: a paper heart is cut out of white paper, and behind it are the trans flag colors of blue, pink, white, pink, and blue. In black text, it reads: "Congress: Protect healthcare for trans people".

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