You're Invited to Organizing on the Side of Love: the Online Course

You're Invited to Organizing on the Side of Love: the Online Course

Social movements have cycles: they bloom, grow, and struggle. Like people.  As remarkable numbers of people of faith and conscience flood into movement at this time - where and how we can and will show up of use matters.

This summer, we’re thrilled to be collaborating with the UU Leadership Institute to offer Organizing on the Side of Love: Tools and Tips for Interconnection and Impact. Over the course of eight modules, we will together explore movement building and organizing 101 with spiritual reflections and tools. The course aspires to be an accessible and affordable tool for people who want knowledge on the subject, and a forum to spark conversations. Newcomers to this stuff, seasoned organizers, and those who have left movement work and are looking for places to come back are all welcome. We’re launching the course on next Wednesday - June 1 - and hope you’ll consider joining us. 

For more information, and to sign up, click here.

The course will include modules focusing on movement building, community organizing, spiritual sustenance and practices in organizing, assessment, base building and intersectionality. We are thrilled to make this course available for folks who find it of most use to their work. The course will be using This is an Uprising as a supplemental companion text to the course. The book can be found online in paper and e-book formats as well as at many local libraries.

If you’re not able to join, we can guarantee many of the concepts discussed will inform our work in coming months and years.

With appreciation,

Nora Rasman

Campaign Coordinator, Standing on the Side of Love

A love letter from Standing on the Side of Love

A love letter from Standing on the Side of Love

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