Celebrating 33 Years of Accessibility

Celebrating 33 Years of Accessibility

Today marks the 33rd anniversary of the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - a monumental milestone in the journey towards a more inclusive and equitable society!

The ADA, signed into law on this day in 1990, has been a powerful force for positive change, breaking down barriers and opening doors for millions of individuals with disabilities. It's not just a piece of legislation; it's a testament to the power of empathy, understanding, and the belief that every person deserves equal opportunities.

The work isn't over, today, we recommit ourselves to deeping our understanding of the intersectionality of disability and race, gender, and sexuality. By furthering the goals of the ADA and ensuring that every person, regardless of their abilities, can participate fully in all aspects of society we work towards a society that honors the worth and dignity of all. Let's keep pushing for better accessibility, not just in physical spaces but also in technology, education, employment, and beyond!

Join us in celebrating this momentous day and advocating for a world where diversity is cherished and accommodated.

Rev. Amanda Schuber
Disability Justice Associate
Side With Love

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