UU the Vote 2022 launches April 10!

UU the Vote 2022 launches April 10!

Elections have consequences. Progress is not an incident, but the cumulative impact of our commitment to justice. Right now, we are witnessing one amazing and crucial consequence of the 2020 election, the nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jack­son to the US Supreme Court. 

But we know our work is not done. In both Judge Jackson’s confirmation hearing and in state legislatures across the country, hateful ideology and rhetoric are used as a political tool to win points or gain power at the expense of marginalized communities. We see reproductive rights under assault and attempts to systematically strip away voting rights. Our 2022 midterm election will have consequences. It is our work to support and build power in our communities to make justice the consequence. 

In 2020, UUs came out in historic numbers, responding to the moral call to combat the rise of fascism and white supremacist culture. UU the Vote reached millions of voters and made a discernible impact in pivotal states like Georgia, Wisconsin, and North Carolina.

This year, we’re leveraging the power we built in 2020 to grow our work and our impact. This year, we’re investing more resources in our state action networks, frontline partners, and volunteers. But we can’t get the work done without you! 

We plan to kick off our UU the Vote work on Sunday, April 10 at 1pm PT / 2pm MT / 3pm CT / 4pm ET. This 90-minute live webinar will feature UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, our state partners, and our new UU the Vote Campaign Manager. Learn how our program is going deeper into values-based conversation, showing up for ballot measures to combat voter suppression, fight for reproductive justice, and resist the criminalization of BIack, Indigenous, and people of color communities.

Will you join us to launch UU the Vote 2022?

Unitarian Universalists understand that democracy is a process and a practice. A movement for radical democracy requires us to create new coalitions and community partnerships to put power in the hands of the many, instead of the few. UU the Vote is part of Side With Love, which shares four intersectional justice priorities; we hope you’ll join us in connecting reproductive justice, LGBTQ+ justice, and climate justice with electoral justice.

Friend, you are a part of this sacred work. Please join us for the launch and learn how you can UU the Vote in 2022!

 Register for the launch event for UU the Vote 2022.

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