Forward Together: Anchoring in Community Post-Election

Forward Together: Anchoring in Community Post-Election

As we approach Election Day, it is critical that we come together to nourish our spirits and move in our collective power. This is about more than one election; it is about grounding ourselves in the values and communities that drive our fight for justice. No matter your issue; climate justice, democracy, gender justice, or criminalization, we are in this work together. That’s why we are excited to invite you to join us for Forward Together: Anchoring in Community Post Election, a virtual series designed to offer space for reflection, spiritual grounding, and practical organizing in response to the evolving political landscape.

Event Details:

Forward Together: After Election Day

  • Date & Time: Wed, Nov 6, 8-9 PM ET

A time for spiritual tending, regional connections, and holding space for emotional responses.

Forward Together: Meaning Making & Immediate Action

  • Date & Time: TBD (The day the election is called), 8-9 PM ET

A focus on immediate action steps, regional assessments, and spiritual nourishment.

Forward Together: The Way Forward

  • Date & Time: Tues, Nov 19, 8-9 PM ET

An opportunity to make political and organizing assessments and care for those navigating post-election challenges.

Our Commitment to the Long Haul 

For more than a decade, Side With Love has brought people of faith together to harness the power of love to overcome fear and oppression and build a world where all people are free and thriving. In 2024, our work through UU the Vote takes up that work in a critical election where our collective action can protect and expand democracy, advance voting rights, and support climate justice, racial justice, and bodily autonomy.  

Faith calls us to the promise and the practice transformation. Forward Together is a part of this long-term strategy. Through this series, we’ll gather to reflect on our faith, values, and next steps as a community committed to justice and love. 

Explore the UU Community Resilience Hub

As part of our commitment to building resilient, safe, and thriving communities, we encourage you to visit the UU Community Resilience Hub a comprehensive resource offering tools, training, and support to help protect our communities and democracy. The hub contains everything from conflict de-escalation to leveraging spiritual and physical assets during critical times. We will be updating this space often to bring you the latest information and resources to equip our communities to meet the challenges and opportunities of this moment.   

Get Involved with State Action Networks

Our Unitarian Universalist State Action Networks (SANs) are crucial in mobilizing local communities for justice. They will also have the latest and best information for state specific actions and community support. For more information on how to get involved with SAN events in your area and to see how you can contribute, visit CUUSAN to find your local SAN. 

Why This Matters 

Moments that define us are made in the actions we take together. Forward Together will include on-the-ground updates, political analysis, and messaging guidance for leaders and partners.  Let us use our time meeting the urgency of the moment while nourishing the networks that build hope and resilience.   

Whether you are passionate about racial justice, environmental resilience, or democracy, we invite you to join us in grounding, reflecting, and organizing in solidarity with the most impacted people.

Together, we can respond to this moment with courage, compassion, and collective action. I hope to see you there.

In faith and solidarity,

your UUA Side With Love team

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