
Fortification Season 2 | adrienne maree brown

We are so excited to bring you the next set of interviews of Fortification: Spiritual Sustenance for Movement Leadership. We see Fortification as a continued opportunity to hear from people within and across faith and spiritual traditions talking about some of the questions facing organizers, communities and institutions in these times.

In December, we had an opportunity to have conversations with a number of members Auburn's Resilient Leaders Across a Fractured Country, amplifying the lessons of spiritually-resilient leaders in the South, Midwest, and Southwest.

In today's conversation Caitlin speaks with adrienne maree brown, writer, social justice facilitator, pleasure activist, healer and doula living in Detroit. Her book, emergent strategy, has been an extraordinary text and resource supporting folks doing justice work that we highly recommend.

Check out the latest episode here

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We're looking forward to continuing these conversations with you and yours.


The Fortification Podcast Team Caitlin Breedlove, Abhimanyu Janamanchi & Nora Rasman

Thirty Days of Love: Generative Creation

Thirty Days of Love: Growing Our Ecosystem