
Fortification Season 2 | Allyn Maxfield-Steele

We are so excited to bring you the next set of interviews of Fortification: Spiritual Sustenance for Movement Leadership. In December, we had an opportunity to have conversations with a number of members Auburn's Resilient Leaders Across a Fractured Country, amplifying the lessons of spiritually-resilient leaders in the South, Midwest, and Southwest.

In today's conversation Caitlin speaks with Rev. Allyn Maxfield-Steele, the current co-director of the Highlander Research and Education Center in Tennessee. Allyn was raised in Texas, Germany and North Carolina and is an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) who has served congregations in Juneau, Alaska, Nashville, and Springfield, TN. Allyn’s focus and interests lie at the intersection of radical pastoral care, institutional transformation, dismantling toxic white masculinities, and liberation-driven ministry and movement building, especially in rural and small town communities. He comes to Highlander from the Scarritt Bennett Center in Nashville, where he has served as a member of the education team.  In the conversation, they talk about the necessity of white folks in supporting, resourcing and flanking Black women leaders, the particularities and importance of rural and small town organizing, any possibilities of the growth and transformation of faith institutions and more.

Check out the latest episode here

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We're looking forward to continuing these conversations with you and yours.


Caitlin Breedlove, Abhimanyu Janamanchi & Nora Rasman

Fortification Podcast Crew

What We Must Do

Call for Reflections on Faith, Justice & Transformation