Fortification Episode 9: Lisa Anderson

Fortification Episode 9: Lisa Anderson

As we near the end of another year, many of us will slow down to reflect upon the kinds of self and community care we need for the fights ahead. The kind of deep care for ourselves and each other that resists commodification, centers spirit and sustains us for the work ahead. We hope our next episode of Fortification brings you into a conversation about love, spirit and leadership.

In our ninth episode of Fortification, Caitlin is joined by Lisa Anderson is vice president of Intersectional Engagement at Auburn Theological Seminary, an initiative dedicated to equipping bold and resilient women faith leaders with the tools they need for a lifetime of prophetic social justice activism. Anderson is the founding director of the newest signature program of that initiative, The Sojourner Truth Leadership Circle, which aligns the creation of vibrant and sustainable models of activist leadership with an emphasis on self and community care as a defining and galvanizing mandate for social justice in the 21st century. In addition, Anderson works with Auburn’s education team on issues of intersectional organizing, bridging the divide between theology and activism, and on deepening the spiritually grounding of leaders in a multifaith movement for justice via the creation and curation of worship and liturgical resources.

Click here to take a listen today

Click here to learn more about Lisa's work as well as a series of reflection and discussion questions. If you haven't already, be sure to subscribe to Fortification on iTunesSoundCloud or Stitcher to be sure you don't miss an episode. We hope you find the conversation of use in your own work toward love and transformation.

With love and solidarity,

The Fortification Podcast Team

Abhimanyu Janamanchi, Caitlin Breedlove & Nora Rasman

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