Federal Funds, a Fossil Fuel Free Future, and Faith-filled Transformation

Federal Funds, a Fossil Fuel Free Future, and Faith-filled Transformation

It's an exciting time to be a climate activist.  After years of fighting for federal support for equitable clean energy, we're seeing historic investments with enormous potential.  For UUs, who have been leaders in the faith climate movement, now's our time to shine.  Think big.  Think systems.  Think resilience.  Think love.  Think of all the ways our congregations can be hubs of climate resilience and community care.    

How can we build our capacity as UUs to faithfully respond to these opportunities?  What would our communities look like if clean energy was a human right and all people could thrive?  With trainings on benchmarking and UU-specific funding strategies and leadership opportunities, we're skilling up to rise to the challenge! 

At the same time, we can't let our guard down in the fight for a future without fossil fuels that honors the interdependent web of existence and the inherent worth and dignity of all.  Join the movement to Stop Cop City with a week of Solidarity Actions - February 19-26.  Make the connections between Stop Cop City and the fight to stop the Mountain Valley Pipeline with a teach-in hosted by Protect Our Water, Heritage, Rights (POWHR).  Advocate for those impacted by the catastrophic environmental disaster in East Palestine, Ohio.   

When it comes to climate justice, we need to multitask.  With multiple, overlapping crises - healthcare, attacks on trans lives, housing inequality, racial injustice, threats to our democracy, and climate disruption everywhere we look, we need intersectional solutions informed by the lived experiences of those most impacted.  How can we do this when our volunteers are overextended, budgets are tight, and the problems are so complex?  Join other UUs transforming their congregations through climate justice.  Green Sanctuary 2030 (GS2030) provides a flexible, manageable, and impactful process to transform our congregations through climate justice. GS2030 teams come together for shared learning and mutual supports on topics like Young Adult Engagement, Collaborating on State Advocacy, and more.   

Together, we can advance a just and equitable transition to a fossil fuel free future where clean energy is a human right and all communities thrive.   

Join us! 

In community,

 Rachel Myslivy

Climate Justice Organizer

UUA Side With Love Organizing Strategy Team

Webinar: Young Adults in UU Congregations: Not Just Committee Members!

Come learn from Zoe Johnston, UU Young Adults for Climate Justice, about ways to engage young adults in your congregation, especially with your Green Sanctuary 2030 and other climate justice organizing.

How do we get young adults involved?  Where do we find them? 

How do we support them? View the presentation.

How can UUs access federal funding for solar or energy efficiency projects? 

With Justice 40, the Inflation Reduction Act, and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)  there are so many opportunities for our congregations to be leaders in the transition to a just and equitable clean energy future!  There are opportunities for individuals, buildings, communities, and state/county/city level advocacy.  The UUA is partnering with Interfaith Power and Light, the Energy, Environment, and Study Institute and others to help UUs learn about and access these funds.  

Are you an energy wonk with a knack for navigating federal policy?  Do you love helping others brainstorm opportunities for clean energy upgrades?  Or maybe you're just really excited about the IRA and other federal funding opportunities for equitable decarbonization? 

We're looking for a few good UUs to skill up our congregations on these amazing opportunities! 

Volunteer to help support shared learning and facilitate an emerging peer learning circle around federal opportunities to fund the clean energy transition.  Ready to jump in?  Email!

Get to know the new Green Sanctuary!

Are you thinking about joining the Green Sanctuary 2030 community?  GS2030 offers UU congregations a flexible, manageable, and impactful process to transform our congregations through climate justice.  GS2030 teams engage in four intersecting campaigns to advance climate justice, congregational transformation, adaptation and resilience, and mitigation.   

We hold GS2030 Orientations on the first Wednesday of the month and Community Meetings on the Third Wednesday of the month, both meetings are at 7ET.  Come together for shared learning and mutual support with other UUs working on congregational transformation through climate justice! 

You can RSVP for these and all of our climate justice events at!

Celebrating John Lewis' birthday with our Good Trouble Congregations!

Celebrating John Lewis' birthday with our Good Trouble Congregations!

Recording for Webinar: Young Adults in UU Congregations: Not Just Committee Members!

Recording for Webinar: Young Adults in UU Congregations: Not Just Committee Members!